I know that I am supposed to write the continuation of my journey to hargeisa (my mother land) but to be honest I will save it for another time because whats in my mind is a complete different topic which I have now been sitting and thinking about for a while. I was watching TV with my sis and there was a document on about people travelling to other countries and on it we saw my sis old class mate. The chock I quess was how much this person had changed. I quess all people change slowly. The reason I say this is because I was looking up a word in the dictionary recently and came across the word "personality" I know very well known word but its never explained well at least I thought I knew what it extactly meant: "distinct quality behaviour which is based on the persons experience, morals" etc., so we are constatntly embarking on new experiences which adds or deletes qualities in our behaviour practice, believes and morals and so we are constantly but slowly developing. On a personal note although I cannot fully see it but me too I belive I have changed, I certaily dont have same ambition, thinking/intellect, behaviour etc. Interestingly enough before one takes action a stimulus is sent from the heart to the brain or vice versa which becomes the intention and is translated into action so if the heart is sound then the action will be sound (i.e not harmful) and so in islam care is taken to protect the heart against disease (not physical but spritiual) and so the experience which one is constantly is absorbed by can either have a positive effect or can be percieved to be negative and thus turn the person negatively. Why I say percieved is because what I see as bad may not be percieved the same by different person. And so what if one has experienced a so called bad experience turn it to good by learning from it and avoiding it next time! ones one said life is the greatest lesson no matter how many lectures and lessons and talks you go to to prepare you for life experiences you will never be equiped enough and so once you are faced with a situation you experience it and learn from its outcomes.
The time most enjoyeable and still is enjoyable and irreplaceable is the numerous enlighting stories of my mothers life experiences each story/experience/situation is so different from the other and so unexpected, exciting, endangering and soo real, a persons life experience shared!
The concept of sharing experience happens all the time that is what governs all our conversations, I tell you about my days or previous experience which I see significant and in return you share your similar or dissimilar eperience which you see as significant and so life goes on with the changes........