Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Travel, people and differences


yepp me again! so today I have strong urge to discuss the little or not so little globe that we all share. So why do we all love to travel to different continents, thats my question tonight, trust me if I really knew the answer I wouldn't have brought the subject up. But seriously isn't it funny that the same people that will let you know how much that they are inate to this country and how much you cannot be part of it as well as so often letting you know how much they want you to go back to your home country, the same people have funnly enough expressed enemousity towards other peoples culture (including food and dress)and practice. And the more funny thing is that the same people have had the choice to travel to the parts of the world that they have such a strong issue with, spent time with its people, eaten the their food and experienced and happly shared their culture, and so I wounder wasnt you the same person who supposedly hated and made funn of this particular culture and practices, or you ust wanted to have a first hand experinece and so you decided to fly all the way there!

To my understanding no one at least no sane human being I have met hates travelling. You probably have heard people or seen that when ever people decide to take a break from work or studies and really want chill out they most oftenly will book themselves a fligth to another location or country. I belive its human innate nature in us to visit other people, see how they live, get an insigth in to their cultures and belives. In the qur'an initself god says that he (and he I don't mean in the male form because god is free from the narrow descriptions and definitions that we have for ourselfs) has created us all into different nations and tribes so that we may know one another. This is how I understand this: imagine if we all were of one race, one colour and we all had the same practices and belife system. Oh my god how boring this globe would have been, just imagine that whenever you came to england you would come across joe (I have nothing against the name joe just as an example) and you happen to travell to china and you came across another identical joe and you travelled to africa and you come across another identical joe. You probably would never leave your door step! and hence would never get to know one another and hence this globe would be a very isolating place where everyone keeps themselves for themselves. But our sence of differences is what gives us the joy to understand and learn more about each other and once we share our experineces with one another thats what brings us together, but what we have within us is sometimes fear for the unkown and an ego. These characteristics unfortunately are animalistic and I confidently say so because is the trait that we share with animals (well at lest some)and some have a strong sence of it more than others particularly those who have not had the chance to travel and there lies the problem, Since having fear of the other who is seen as soo different you have already created a barrier and labelled the person infront of you as soo different from you that you cannot and will not approach and try to understand the potential other and as we all know its far easier to sit back and build hatered and mockery of the other. Its funny when people meet me for the first time because I am not exactly your everyday joe when they approach me and have talked to me would after a while say that they didn't think I would be approachable and I think for my self well thank go I have been able to break one ego just a million to go :)


Tuesday, 11 November 2008



today I just wanted to discuss a completely different topic from the unusual topics that I have discussed here, namely lyrics. Why does lyrics wheather in a poetic form or ina rime or song why does it evoke such emotion and I mean deep attached emotion. Different lyric have different meanings, some tell a story lived by the author other proclaim a motion which may be prevelant in the society and thus tries to mention it in form of lyrics to proclaim a message wheather a negative or positive. And then we have what I call unecessary lyrics and before you jump into conclusion of me being anti-lyrics I will explain what I mean. for exapmle you have lyrics written in such mannner that it targets a topic which is disrespecting, possibly promoting an unhealthy living and this is not far away from what we see today. I mean just walk in into a major CD shop or much better enter you tubes side of music and there it is pluntly staring you in the face and sometimes unavoidable. These lyrics sometimes promote violence, hatred, cruelty and degradation to certain group pf society and sometimes in the female form. Moreover this absolutely has an affect to the person listening in one way or the other it sooner than later draws its morals and priciples towards you that is if you the type of person who become easily affected and provoked with your surroundings like the famous quote from Malkom X who said: if you dont stand for something then you will fall for anything.

On the other hand I strongly belive in lyrics with meaning! what do I mean I hear you cry out loud ok not loud, but seriously some lyrics when you hear it or read it once it touches a chore with you and is soo deep in its meaning and defines so much and which one can connect with in several levels. There is a sentence in the qur'an which mentions that a nice word is like a nice healthy tree which has its roots deep in the ground and which its branches is healthy and is growing towards the sky and its effect to its surroundings is one of aboundance. I wouldnt be able to draw such perfect comparison better then my creator, i.e. since the nice word/words has come from a healthy source it must one way or the other impose positive healthy reaction to the reader or listener psychologically, and that is why if you really think you will probably be able to list all (well at least most of them) the people who have had a profound effect on you by their words expressed to you since it probably it caused you to react in a postive or healthy manner and you probably remember the action or reaction. And if you think really hard you will struggle remember all the people who have mentioned ill words to you sence the ill word have had a bad source like an ill tree with weakened branches and not a steady root either and so human beings tend to easily forget such experinece.

I will end my bla bla with lyrics which I belive are rich in nature in all its shape and form but its also nicer to hear as sound:

Most times I’m the most strong I’m the rock the spot you get support from
Mostly cope with hopes that’s been rolled on
And when you’re low you know that you can hold on me
In a heartbeat I can be there the fears and tears you cry I’m by your side so dry your eyes
And let me provide peace of mind in time I know you’ll be fine
And if it’s heartbreak I can take some off your plate replace the lies and hate with smiles of faith
You fall deep I could fall with you. The dark is a familiar place you’re lost I can help you escape
It was my fate (pain) so that I can relate
Now when I can’t even stand I can handle the weight
I’ll be your shoulder for as long as I can but where’s the shoulder for my shoulder when I can’t........


Sunday, 9 November 2008


I dont know today I have strange thougths about whats around me although its something inside me, if you know what I mean. First of all I cannot deny something I am blessed, I mean I am blessed with my life which I am so thankful for. Things I see everyday makes me wounder about others life. For example the other day I was exiting the tube station where I stumbled on a homeless person outside the tube station. It was a cold day with none-stop rain. I remembered I had a bag of crisps that I hadn't touched in my bag so I decided to donate it to the mr x dont wanna call him homeless for respect. So I approached him and asked him if he wanted crips and he rudely refused and so I carried on with my buisness. This reminds me of a hadith where its mentioned that one day man will be walking along and look for someone to donate wealth to but will find no-one to accept it. Basically the point is to try to give now as much as you can before the chance slips away.

Another of lifes wounders I have lately come across is the incidence of the market. I was making my intention to get some physically training at the gym and was passing by the market where I live inorder to get there. While passing I saw a women in her mid-age parked her buggy outside a shop infront of the market place. The child in the buggy who you could estimate to be 2 years of age had his both legs amputated. The lady took out a bucket and placed it next to her and took out what it look liked an article of a picture of her two-year old and she started to narrate her story to the pass-byers. I usually is somone very private and like to mind my own buisness but couldnt ignore this womens call. She told the story of her two-year old how he cougth meningitis and had suffered tremendously and the disease cougth his limbs which were thereby amputated to stop the spread and she needed to raise £25.000 inorder to continue his progress of treatment. The issue here is some people may say oh why cant she raise the money in another way instead of begging in this way. I mean the point here is that a person let alone a mother wouldnt humiliate herslef and bring herself and her son to the extent of asking passbyers to help her. No one should ask for help in this manner it really breaks my mind and heart, I just feel that people should be a bit more sympathetic. I think I just expected too much from the human race without taking into account the fact that we still have an animalistic instinct within us!

And so the my last words for this post. I want to dedicate my words to a friend of mine who recently passed away. I wich I got to know her better, I wich I talked to her more often I which I could have been of any help to her......

Saying goodbye is the hardest one has to do
saying good-bye was not part of my plan
the road we have travelled together has parted
yet you have left us here with our testing lifes
As you move on from here I pray that you are in the finnest place
that your smile is shining in you grave
that your laughter is heard by the angels surrounding you and
that you have find the peace and tranguility of gods presence


Tuesday, 21 October 2008

sparks in your position?


its me once more! Thanks to God I am in a good health and shape, but the last couple of months have been testing. I have been job hunting in which I realised its very tyring. I really do take my hats off to people who is in this position at the moment and which them all the best. Honestly how many interviews do you really have to attend before you hear that yes. Frankly speaking sometimes I feel that the whole selection process can be a bot personal. I mean I always thought that people are selected for their experience, qualification and the contribution that they will bring to the postion on offer. However I have come to realise that it actually can be far away from this and based on alot of personality trait. I mean I will give and example to clarify; my intention is not to talk badly about anyone but I have come across people who cannot fulfill the postion given but will be choosen on the bases of being the loudest, rudest, argumentative and the most arrogant. Sadly saying these traits are sometimes seen as desireable. However these are the same traits that according to my stance is seen to be very uncharacteristic and should be avoided. I myself prefer going into an interview with bags of optimism, honesty, a wide vision of ones achiviement of the role on offer, focus but also compassion and motivation. These are the traits that I believe should be scrutinised and one accepted for offcourse together with ones previous experiences and achievements. I will just mention an incedence which when I heard I thought it was funny. I was watching this programme on TV regarding several contestant who where competing all for the one and same postion to become a "porducer" and so they were all given tasks and responsibilities to fulfill and then they were going to be judged by this a person who has been in the buisness for decades and who supposedly knew what was required/traits to become a producer. And so when all tasks were completed he began to sack one person after another and some of the reasons were that one was disorganised, made mistakes in their research regarding accuracy of information (big mistake I agree), and the inrony was that the person he choose to stay had also made mistakes in her editing, information giving, and direction given. However he chooce her to compete with the remaining contestent becasue he felt she had a spark in her! and I was like WHAT???? Since when was sparks a trait which others can feel and which can make me a successfull person??? I mean seriously if someone had said that to me: "We have chosen you because you have a spark". I would seriously feel offended and I would simple walk away from the opportunity simple becuase this person has diregarded my hard work, my all time achievements, my motivation to continuously strive for the better, my skills, practical work and knowledge and my dedication to my work and attitude and behaviour. Secondly how would I be able to workfor an organisation which has direspected all of this and has chosen me on the bases of something not quantifable and nothing that will add value to my work I mean I cant see how sparks will drive my work can you? Any ways I have rambled too much, hope I made my point clear. I just hope that people in so called an authorised position could just be abit more realisitic when it comes to filling posts and be clear as to who they want and what qualities the person should possess, and please do it in a sincere and quantifiable manner.

Hope I didnt sound to aggressive here.......but I am just talking from experience. And at the end of the day I sincerely belive that if one strives for the good then good will be found one way or the other!


Saturday, 23 August 2008

I am back! almost forgot that I had a blog!

Salams (peace )

its me again! Oh god its been such a long time since I have written anything...I quess life has made me soo bussy in all of its shapes and forms. When it comes to talking about my peronal life I to be honest become somewhat preservative but I will reveal to you what has been going around or ahead in the past, to be blunt I just feel that time has gone so quickly and sometimes I feel that I cannot or I dont have the chance to take steps back and absorb things properly inorder for a rational response or action to come out from my physical senses, am I making sence to you? ok I will explain basically to sum up yes I prays to be to God did pass the stage of graduation (and it was amazing but a bit superficial in a way) and did find work in a field that I am blessed with and believe me as a junior its alot tuffer then it sounds, and yes prays to be to God I managed with the registration exam (to be fit to practice as an legal "drug dealer" LOL) and so I am here today. I cannot believe I have managed to summ this up in few sentences without rumbling on.....but honestly I have come to preciate the good and the ugly experiences along the way, and I have come to appreciate my health, time and skills that I have been blessed with, and many of the times its hard to realise what we can do with these blessings but one thing I am sure of is that I am constantly being tested with these skills/blessing so I do really pray that I am utilising them for a good cause (although I know I should be doing more). OK this post is not suppose to get anybody depressed but when I get into a tangent I really do get stuck lol.

There is so many incidenses that I want to share with you in this post but I just talk about one that affected me most and made reflect. Some one told me about a story regarding a women who was in a train station waiting for a train which would take her from country A to country B. As she was sitting on the bench she realised it would be a very long wait for the train to come and so she got up and went to the book shop and bought herself a nice book and a bag of sweets. The lady located herself back to her seat and began reading her book as she waited for the train. As she was turning the pages and munching into her sweet bag she became more and more absorbed into her book. When she looked up for a second she hadn't noticed that a young lady came and sat next to her and she too had a book that she was reading but the funny part was that she was digging into the same sweet bag as the lady was. The first lady thought for herself: " what a rude young lady she is sharing my sweets without even having the dicensy to ask and she is smiling at me too she is really walking on my nerves". However the lady didn't say anything and she keept quite but was burning with anger and she was thinking: " I am going to try and finish my sweets before she has the pleasure of taking more" and so she began to eat the sweets quicker and the younger lady continued reading her book and eating from the sweet bag and smile at the other lady, until the younger lady took the last sweet in the bag. She gently broke into half and ate one half and put the other half back in the bag for the other lady to have. The first lady furious with this behaviour took the bag and walked away as her train approached and entered her train and quickly found a place to cool down her anger. As she was about to open her bag to put back her book she found her sweet bag! She had been so submerged inside her book that she now came to realise that she never took out her sweet bag from her bag after bying them and the young lady who she never felt coming and sitting next to her did actually put her sweet bag in between herself and her and that it was actually her that was sharing the young ladys sweet bag not the other way around and the young lady keept smiling back at her instead of becoming angry and she even shared the last sweet!

When I heard this story I first smiled and then I quittened as I pondered about its wisdom. So many a time do we feel that we are wright and we don't even consider let alone give a chance to the person on the other side to explain themselves. To many a time are we swift in our judgment (I put my hands up) and so many a time are we wrong about our judgment but too proud to admit it (again I put my hands up for this as well) so lets give each other chances and so what if they wanna share our sweet bag with us that may be the start of a more harmonious and tolerant co-existance well why not?

Salam (peace)