Saturday, 23 August 2008

I am back! almost forgot that I had a blog!

Salams (peace )

its me again! Oh god its been such a long time since I have written anything...I quess life has made me soo bussy in all of its shapes and forms. When it comes to talking about my peronal life I to be honest become somewhat preservative but I will reveal to you what has been going around or ahead in the past, to be blunt I just feel that time has gone so quickly and sometimes I feel that I cannot or I dont have the chance to take steps back and absorb things properly inorder for a rational response or action to come out from my physical senses, am I making sence to you? ok I will explain basically to sum up yes I prays to be to God did pass the stage of graduation (and it was amazing but a bit superficial in a way) and did find work in a field that I am blessed with and believe me as a junior its alot tuffer then it sounds, and yes prays to be to God I managed with the registration exam (to be fit to practice as an legal "drug dealer" LOL) and so I am here today. I cannot believe I have managed to summ this up in few sentences without rumbling on.....but honestly I have come to preciate the good and the ugly experiences along the way, and I have come to appreciate my health, time and skills that I have been blessed with, and many of the times its hard to realise what we can do with these blessings but one thing I am sure of is that I am constantly being tested with these skills/blessing so I do really pray that I am utilising them for a good cause (although I know I should be doing more). OK this post is not suppose to get anybody depressed but when I get into a tangent I really do get stuck lol.

There is so many incidenses that I want to share with you in this post but I just talk about one that affected me most and made reflect. Some one told me about a story regarding a women who was in a train station waiting for a train which would take her from country A to country B. As she was sitting on the bench she realised it would be a very long wait for the train to come and so she got up and went to the book shop and bought herself a nice book and a bag of sweets. The lady located herself back to her seat and began reading her book as she waited for the train. As she was turning the pages and munching into her sweet bag she became more and more absorbed into her book. When she looked up for a second she hadn't noticed that a young lady came and sat next to her and she too had a book that she was reading but the funny part was that she was digging into the same sweet bag as the lady was. The first lady thought for herself: " what a rude young lady she is sharing my sweets without even having the dicensy to ask and she is smiling at me too she is really walking on my nerves". However the lady didn't say anything and she keept quite but was burning with anger and she was thinking: " I am going to try and finish my sweets before she has the pleasure of taking more" and so she began to eat the sweets quicker and the younger lady continued reading her book and eating from the sweet bag and smile at the other lady, until the younger lady took the last sweet in the bag. She gently broke into half and ate one half and put the other half back in the bag for the other lady to have. The first lady furious with this behaviour took the bag and walked away as her train approached and entered her train and quickly found a place to cool down her anger. As she was about to open her bag to put back her book she found her sweet bag! She had been so submerged inside her book that she now came to realise that she never took out her sweet bag from her bag after bying them and the young lady who she never felt coming and sitting next to her did actually put her sweet bag in between herself and her and that it was actually her that was sharing the young ladys sweet bag not the other way around and the young lady keept smiling back at her instead of becoming angry and she even shared the last sweet!

When I heard this story I first smiled and then I quittened as I pondered about its wisdom. So many a time do we feel that we are wright and we don't even consider let alone give a chance to the person on the other side to explain themselves. To many a time are we swift in our judgment (I put my hands up) and so many a time are we wrong about our judgment but too proud to admit it (again I put my hands up for this as well) so lets give each other chances and so what if they wanna share our sweet bag with us that may be the start of a more harmonious and tolerant co-existance well why not?

Salam (peace)