Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Greatest Miracle of all times!!!

just wanted to drop some lines down nothing lengthy. I have recently been consumed by a dear person's pregnancy and it kind of feels like I have been living the experience with her. Asking questions,observing and feeling what the person is feeling has maybe just given me a glimpse of experience of the trials a pregnancy can offer. I first of all have to take my hat of to all mum out there, may God bless you for what you fo through for 9 whole months. Moreover what I find the most fascinating is the happiness on the persons face ones the baby has been born and the mum gets to hold the baby,suddenly the labour pain is gone and forgotten and the expession of happiness is incredible out of this world.
wow thats all I can say.


Sunday, 4 October 2009

Comment for the day!!!!

" What I am interested in is making a positive mark on the world while doing what I love. Some people just don’t get that". Therein lies the hurdle......


Sunday, 20 September 2009

Does what we see affect us?


so I am back and my partly fasting of all forms of technology has ended and I will save that story for some other day since there is a particular subject I would like to mention or scream about as usuall. So I was driving towards a particular destination today and inorder to get to this destination you are literally forced to pass a motor way which is not particulary funn. As always there are billboards along the motor way which I particularly do not notice, this time it caught my eye, but it did so in a manner I which I had not seen it. I cannot imagine the last time a couple of words had provoked me to inner since of disturbance as these words on the billboards. It read with bold capital writings: "Making love longer, for a longer lasting sex" call bla bla bla. There are a couple of issues with these few sentences and my first question is why put it up in a motor way, secondly why make intimacy such a cheap commodity and de-valueing in such a manner, thirdly what exmple is this setting to youngster?

Some people may dismiss this and say I dont get bothered by advertisment anyways. My answer would be; who are you kidding, everyone somehow to some degree gets affected by what they see wheather that is positive or negative. Futhermore the advertisment industry plays a role in portraying a notion to the nation and thus a huge responnsibility lies withing it to who it conveys to what it conveys and the ethics and manner in which it conveys which I belive has been far lost in this pre-modern era. This is not only is seen on billboards other forms of relating information such as newspapers.

Futher to this, this billboard was also seen in Australia but it had to pulled down since complaints were recieved in vast numbers.......

I guess my concern stems from the society we live in, in which we are all the time encouraged to pursue what our "heart" desires without really thinking that the desire/pleasure which we are seeking may result in damage and destruction to oneself and ones surroundings. therefore its so easy to fall and become a victim of this type of destruction which really lies within our-self. Do not get me wrong I am not anti-pleasure (if there is a word like it) I do believe that desires are an essential godly creation but when it has been perverted, taken in excess or deficient by ones surroundings thats where the danger lies and that is where the soul is at its greatest risk. What I really want to say is that lifes is more than us concentrating on seeking out our pleasures and only thinking of our own selfs, which again these billboards, magazines are constantly reminding us of.

said to much, I think so


Saturday, 5 September 2009

6 months of work, many lessons


I will try to ake this post as short as possible since I am kinda in a state of fasting from all forms of technologies just to revitilise myself in my inner dimensions, so that I'll come back with a bit more energy and focus on my journey.

First of all I feel blessed in all kind of ways since I have got my health and dear and near as well as being involved in a work that I deeply love. I have to say though like with anything else in life it has its ups and downs and celebrating my 6 minths anniversary at work their are lots that I have learnt throughout the way wich I would like to share:

1) Time is gold, fill it with its proper content and you will get much more out of it.

2) Passion; if its there it will give you satisfaction with what you doing

3) Ambition; always wanting to improve and reach perfection and looking for ways & opportunities to do so will not only get you far in any position but will inspire those around you which will influence the dinamic of the work place.

4) Difficulties; will surely come wheather that is with other people, work-load, technologies etc. but what dampens it is not loosing temper and looking for different innovative solutions, always look at the bigger picture and dont let minute things distract you.

5) Make a difference;

6) Mercy and Compassion; is absolutely the key if espcecially you work in the health field, sometimes its diffuclt to relate to another person when we are distracted by getting work done, but by relating to someone else will make us understand the other wich will help us coming up with solutions that is in equilibrium and enable work to flow.

7) Mistakes; accept it, learn from it and move on dont ever get entageld by faults no one is perfect and so everyone is prone to mistakes, its beyond us but they do tend to happen with its wisdom so reflect upon them and let it be a reason for you acceleration to higher ranks and not deccalaration to lower ranks.

8) Have a good time; whatever you get involved with make sure your content with it, this will definitely enlighten your heart and make it at peace even at the most stressfull situations because you doing something you belive and always remember you most happiest situations at work. This will remind you why you doing this in the first place and will help in most diffuclt situations.

9) Pass the knowledge on; any junior you have to work with, be a good supervisor and dont give juniors a hard time (unless they ask for it lol just kidding)since you have been at some point the newbee and learnt from someone else! Its said that the memories of an inspiring supervisor will always be there so be that supervisor.

10) Be well organised, with everything, your papers, work desk, even speech (in arguments).

I think thats all I can think of that I personally have learnt I am sure there lots of other points bit my brain has gone for a strike seriously I really hope that anything I have said will be of any benefit.....


Sunday, 23 August 2009



First of all let me take this opportunity to which everyone a beneficial fast and may your spiritual month be one filled with enlightment and peace to the heart. Secondly I had the privilege some time ago to attend a discussion show. This was an experience wich I welcomed greatly since I had never attended a tv show and thus was interessted into knowing how things are run as well as being live one planning from the team was crucial. Moreover before attending the editor sent everyone attending the topics and asked for feedback, and so I would like to share them here:

1) Should the great apes be given civil rights? (Things like a right to safety, against discrimination, equality, all sorts of non-speaking rights that humans have)

I agree that the great apes should definitely be accorded the legal right to life and protection from torture. Apes have been endangered for centuries where ape mothers have been shot and their infants shipped off as pets in different countries. I also believe that this law should be extended to other endangered species and that justice and respect should be observed for all non-human species since giving rights for one group and not another is in itself a breach of civil rights and discriminatory. However I do believe that this law would not mean to open up zoo gates and let all apes free but rather zoos should serve the purpose of preserving species but also ensuring an environment where they are given the opportunity to flourish and not be tortured or subjected to cruel and degrading treatment. Moreover as we debate about establishing laws for animals we should not forget the millions of humans around the world that live in sub-human conditions

2) could catholic confession be a replacement for therapy?

I believe that the purpose of confession i.e. acknowledge ones sins, repent from them and seek forgiveness is therapeutic for the soul and can protect it from further insult. However I don’t believe that it should be a replacement therapy where it involves third party since repenting should be a personal act whereby one does the mistake, seeks repentance and enter into a sincere covenant with god directly.

3) Are worldly goods an obstacle to enlightenment?

As with everything, worldly goods if over indulged or extravagant and overly obsessed with could be one of the factors in the prevention of enlightenment since ones focus and energy is engulfed by the interest for money and possessions rather than spiritual or ethical values. Having said this humans by nature have the tendencies for material inclination but if used within measured levels can serve a purpose of a more harmonious existence where neither material ingredient (rank of beast) nor spiritual ingredient (monasticism) dominates.

Three purtent questions which I know has no right or wrong answer, but one thing I would like to also add is that it was extremly interessting to see that a room filled with people could have such a varied opinion which in turn propagated a discussion whereby points were raised from a few point I didnt considere.


Monday, 17 August 2009

On a lighter note


so suffering net I found this site where it poses 25 personal questions which is supposedly good for any conversation, interessting I though. So for a change I try to answer the here no matter how embarassed I will be (this is a challenge) it'll be a change from my seriousness. By the way havent read the questions yet so it will be answered as I go, so I quess here we go:

1. Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far.

A: finnishing my degree lol no seriously when I was slightly burnt on a small patch of my foot (its healed pretty good now) years ago.

3. What famous person do other people tell you that you most resemble?

A: dont know seriously? have to ask those around me.....

4. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A: samosas with pourage, promise its strange but delicious, just buy samosa stuffed with minsed meat and eat it with freashly made pourage,mummm

5. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?

A: prophet moses, such a character, want to ask so many questions.....

6. Do you believe honesty is the best policy? A: always no matter how butter it is!

7. What vegetable do you most resemble? A: I think ananas, why because seems unapproachable on the outside but sweet on the inside lol

8. What dead person would you least want to be haunted by?

A: All the corrupted, evil, dishonest people who have caused mass destruction to human souls as well as every living creatures.

9. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

A: do I have choose I person, then a fire fighter who would know how to rescu us or call his biddies to do so, lol no seriously anyone from my family to keep me in company.

10. What do you think Victoria’s secret is?

A: Who?

11. Which cartoon character do people say you resemble the most?

A: I think pokahontas use to be on ages ago....

12. Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?

A: what? whats that for question, seriously? do I have to answer? well....defenetly cannot live without a bath.....weird question, who came up with this?

13. Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?

A: I do love winter, it means so much to me, I know must be

15. You can choose your last meal. What will the menu consist of?

A: dates

16. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

A: The Big Question, such an intellectual show, if only I could have the front seat lol

17. List 5 people you know. Then describe each of them in 1 words.

Friend 1: warm

Friend 2: responsible

Friend 3: funny

Friend 4: loyal

Friend 5: calm

18. You can select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a thruthful reply. Whom would you select, and what question would you ask?

A: I would ask Yasser arafat: What motivated you to keep going all those years?

19. If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?

A: definitely the clown, brings such a smile

20. You discover that your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix-up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?

A: What that for question, who wouldnt???????

21. Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose?

A: I would choose to be the way I am and live according to my prescribed time, everything has its meaning!

22. Would you be willing to commit perjury in court for a close friend? What if your lie would save his life?

A: Very difficult question, I dont know depends on what the situation is, but I know that my friends would not end up in court in the first place.....

23. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?

A: no way,

24.If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

A: making people forget about their traumatic experiences, especially children.

So I have now completed the most weirdest set of questions I will ever come across, how do I feel? Feel like I have wasted some energy and time ,but some of the questions werent all that bad though needs some major re-developments,lol

good night

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Life again


Rigth so the past couple of weeks has been kind of hectic and I quess the couple of weeks forth coming will also bee very hectic, one thing I have to relise though not to make my body overwork, but I have to say I do enjoy work. It does give me such a huge satisfaction. I have come to learn alot, appreciate alot and reflect alot. I have no specific subject to talk about but there are couple of observations that I would like to embrase and shed ligth on. I think this post will be abit personal in a sence. I have come to make serious life decisions and I think I am about to put my thoughts into action. I have always had one ambition and that whats kind of keept me going all of those years of sheer hard work but now when I feel I am a step close and as it feels like crossing bridge I feeling hesitant, but I feel the mission is not complete without me completing the crossing. I am sort of person that will think through things but make a swift decision and later on relise how huge the decision is. On nother tone a close peron to me the other day mentioned settling down and starting a family. As I laughed through the idea I looked at her face and I managed to grip the serious look. I knew she really meant it. Deep down I know the answer of this which is that I feel that one has to seriously have though through this life changing experience before endulging into it. My opinion on marriage migth be strict and certainly not sencualised and commercialised, because I dont belive in marriage which based on fantasies. In any major project one decised to undertake one knows that it will involve hard work, sacrifice, understanding, compassion, loalty etc. and so why would marriage be different to this. In addition one will be involved in the greatest project of life i.e. to ensure production and deliverence of a generation who can contribute and continue of the care taking of earth. See why I think is hard work! and then I look at my abilities and see that it would be difficult to live to the expectations and prospone the thought.

I do tend to look at statistics quite often although questioning its originality it can tell us quite alot. Recently I was looking at the divcorce rates and suprising discovered that UK has the highest, as well as highest single parents, wow I though. I also though wounder who has the lowest and discovered Italy, with thier close family mentality. but these findings raises important questions, first of them being have we lost any particular values, do we have proper information about relationships what it entails, involves and parenting skills? too many questions to deal with here. anyways I am too tired to I better doze off for now


any way said enough I think, there was another think I wanted to mention but I quess I save it for another time.

Friday, 12 June 2009

So what's your secret???

hmm this is the question I got from a lady at work today. I did not notice that the lady was staring at me as I was going about my buisness and finally she popped the question and as swift as I am I though I understood the deeper meaning of her question and I answered do you really want to know?. I swore that her face expression showed eagerness to find out something spectacular or extraordinary remedy but all I replied was: being happy. She looked at me with a smile and walked away. I was not trying to be sarcastic but at the same time as I did not see that question coming I delt with it naturally as if my heart suddenly developed lips and started pouring out what it wanted.

Funnly enough that evening at home I switched on the tele just to find a documentary quess what about....yea you gest it "happiness". To my supprised I learnt quiet substantial amount of information which got me really suprised and as usual I would like to share it so here I drop it:

fact 1: Britain is less happy than in the 1950s - despite the fact that we are three times richer

fact 2: The proportion of people saying they are "very happy" has fallen from 52% in 1957 to just 36% today.

fact 3: One recent table has Switzerland as the happiest country, followed by Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the USA. Britain comes eighth.

fact 4: A remarkable 81% wanted happiness as the goal. Only 13% wanted greatest wealth.

fact 5: So what makes us happy? Almost half of people - 48% - say that relationships are the biggest factor in making them happy. Second is health on 24%.

Ok let me stop the facts before this becomes another research article. As a nation the world has changed substantially the last 50 years. These changes includes econimical boost and with that comes much ease that prehaps is taken for granted, as well as socially we have more security than before and I am specifically thinking about national insurance which is there to support individualls. Even politically things has changed substantially as well laws and order are observed much more carefully but I am not sure if accurate. SO to summ up we have more wealth, if we get sick we have a wellfare that will take care of us, if we loose our job again wellfare to fallback on, and franckly speaking starvation is impossible here in the west what more, so why are we not happy then?

One thing that I am sure of is that happiness is inner experience whom everyone defines in their different ways but at the same time we can tell it when it ingulfs us but you hardly hear someone saying "I am so happy". This concerns me , it concerns me to think that we are develpoing or already have developed symptoms of mass depression, depression of emotion, depression of knowing what makes us happy and ultimately aimimg for it.

One thing that I want to conclude with is that most people's definition of happiness involved family and friends, but the results threw up a surprise. The second largest group of responses centred around contentment and inner peace. If only we can be take a minute to understand what we have got as to what we want, if only we can understand how to surround ourself with the people we like, if only we can understand the bigger picture of things and not get boiled down to minute details, then and only then contentment and peace will settle within us.


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Reflection for the day!


just three things that I have been reflecting on:

1) differences

2) belief

3) some day we all will be.......


Thursday, 7 May 2009


I know I am supposed to continue from my previous post but really I have other things in my mind. If this post sounds a bit pessimistic then I will definifetly follow it up with somehings abit light hearted, reflecting me. However just a question I was thinikng about the other day: what happened to real moral sence? and to be more specific I mean sayings which was ingraved in us well at least the ones that were sane amongst us such as:

" a smile in your brother's face is a charity", "the best of you is the one best to his family" or "obesession for revenge is poison that flows through a diseased soul", "the patient one achieves the best of aims", "you true valaue is determined by you character"

I can go on and on and on about these sayings which to be honest just reading them I feel so distant from them in real life. I just feel that having been caught up in this pre-modern all rushed up life its very difficult to put things in proportion and hence its so easy to lose balance, its all about all or nothing. Strange no seriously its very sad that it has to be this way. Dont get me wrong I have meet a couple of people very few I have to say who still have these qualities and it makes me feel simple and you must be woundering what simple who,its because these qualities are so easy to implement and once you do you feel light as a feather and a simple creature who has nothing to worry about; no anger, no selfishness, no jelousy etc.

Anyways hope I made sence if I go on more I might write something completely strange because my eyes are closing in into each other which indicates sleep.


Friday, 24 April 2009

Any-one out there?


I am just going to write a very very short note. It's just that I sign in to write something in my mind that I wanted to discuss but I was thinking is any-one reading this. To be honest with you I am not to fussed about subscribers etc. and the whole point of me blogging is sharing my thoughts with others, but the question is is there any-one reading this really, would be interesting just for you to let me know...leave a comment.....share your thoughts with me.......even if you dissagree...dont worry I have though skin and I can handle it.........

Oh another research I stumbled on today:Apparently Sweden is no 2 country to grow up in..after netherland....according to the researchers the country has the highest percentage of healthiest children in terms of intellectuallity (if there is a word like this) and eating habits. I found this interessting since I myself usedto live in this country and I do think that they do a very good job in introducing healthy lifestyle to kids from very young age....but un terms of growing up there are alot of be continued


Sunday, 19 April 2009


I bet you already know what I want to talk about by reading the title, but please don't think oh here we go again another person lecturing us on respect! but seriously I have been silently observing things happening around me and I just question peoples intention sometimes. my first question is what is the definition of respect according to the accurate description and this is what I found:

1) to avoid the violation of someones feelings
2) to regard someone/something state with honor and consideration

and then I think no-one has ever had to tell me these consept its logical isnt it or is it? even if your parent have never tought you the concept of not violating someone elses feelings or honor its just ingraved in us as human beings, or is it? and then you meet people and this is sometimes the problem, you meet people who have no consideration for pure humanity and you try to and you try your hardest to understand the lack of consideration in their behaviour and their actions and you fail to understand it becasue you discover its complex and it involves complexcities in their lives and experiences which has shaped their behaviour and personality but what the fail to understand is that their lack of consideration and lack of non-violent behaviour has a greater implication. Just look around you in a greater perpectives: the wars, humanitarian and environmental crises, inequalities (gender as well as financial status), racism, interpersonal crises (marriages, parents versus children, employers versus employees, work collegues etc) have in them the reason of lack of respect in one way or which starts as lack of willingly acknowliging the other party (in terms of the environmental issue lack of respect for environmental laws) and that lack turns into lack of understanding and that can easily turn into violation of the honor and that initself forms tension and all apprectioations and coherences goes out of the window. SAD isn't it really.......humanity for you.........I would like to relate a story I am not sure if it should be related under this topic and wheather it has any link to what I have just mentioned but its just popped into my head and so I will have to say it any whay, so here it goes:

Moses (peace upon him) asked god who will join me in paradise and god responded that the next person who will join you will pass by you in a while, and so moses waited eagerly to find out. He was thinking it would be someone who was highly thought of in terms of no faults and so on and so the person passed him by and he saw that it was and ordenairy guy and and so moses decided to follow him to discover what was special with him. He saw him entering a small house belonging to an old lady and because the windows were open moses would observe what was happening inside the house. he observed him going into the kitchen and making food and sat next to the elderly lady and before continuing moses decided to go into the house. He asked the guy who are you and what are doing in this elderly lady's house. The guy said: this is my mother and come several times during the day to help her out and my mum keeps repeating a prayer for me constantly and that is to: I pray that my son becomes the companion of moses in paradise. In fact this man had respect not only for his mum, but for the environment, his co-workers,his, his friends, his own family and for life!


Monday, 9 February 2009

Getting older, time, stages and prioritising??????

salams (peace)

so again I have been away for a very long time, but this time instead of feeling a year older I feel 360 degrees older of there is an expression like that! And when I say older I mean intellectually older, or maybe I have jsut come across much younger people on a regular basis, no seriously. I am just amazed by how time does really go very quickly and how ones life takes you to different stages even when you didnt ask for it or even though you happy and content to be in one stage forever. For example take samy (just a random name no offense to any samies out there) he is conent being in the childhood stage where all that occupies his mind is the school that he attends to teach him the basics of educational matters and the racing cars he can play with after school, and how to best annoy his older brother. But sooner than later samy grows up and samy realises that focusing on racing cars and his older brother wont take him anywhere, so his entire energy is putt on studying, and with this samy realises that he has to sacrifice his time and devoution. He also gains skills such as understanding the meanings of taking responsibility, time management, working under pressure, deliverying high standard work etc. With growth samy reaslises that his thinking dimesnion has taking him so far that now he has a choice of deciding his potential success in the future (with the understanding that god has pre-determinded it)and so samy finishes his educational pathway and embarks on competetive vacancy, samy learns how to be aggressive and the art of speech inorder to get the vacancy. Samy get the job and all that occupies his mind now is the making of great amount of money and climb up the ladder. Once samy has satisfactory achived this he stopps, stopps to rethink how on earth have I been able to come this far? from being this inocent young child to this beast who is hunting for something that ay come and go, he pounders over his lost innocence and whiches he could have really tasted the stages of his transition from child to adulthood in a calmer and more peaceful manner. Sooner than later he realises that now he himself is bringing up the next samy!!!!

Prioritising should never be seen as something unatural but essential.Sorting out what is important and what really is not is a hard task but needs to be done since it will direct our focus and energy to the things we really should spend more time with such as family, inner reflections, having a particular goal(s), etc and most importantly try to live the stages we go through since by understanding what we go through will make us realise if we are giving the most important matters our most important focus!

do I make sence or am I rabbling again, may be I need more sleep???
