salams (peace)
so again I have been away for a very long time, but this time instead of feeling a year older I feel 360 degrees older of there is an expression like that! And when I say older I mean intellectually older, or maybe I have jsut come across much younger people on a regular basis, no seriously. I am just amazed by how time does really go very quickly and how ones life takes you to different stages even when you didnt ask for it or even though you happy and content to be in one stage forever. For example take samy (just a random name no offense to any samies out there) he is conent being in the childhood stage where all that occupies his mind is the school that he attends to teach him the basics of educational matters and the racing cars he can play with after school, and how to best annoy his older brother. But sooner than later samy grows up and samy realises that focusing on racing cars and his older brother wont take him anywhere, so his entire energy is putt on studying, and with this samy realises that he has to sacrifice his time and devoution. He also gains skills such as understanding the meanings of taking responsibility, time management, working under pressure, deliverying high standard work etc. With growth samy reaslises that his thinking dimesnion has taking him so far that now he has a choice of deciding his potential success in the future (with the understanding that god has pre-determinded it)and so samy finishes his educational pathway and embarks on competetive vacancy, samy learns how to be aggressive and the art of speech inorder to get the vacancy. Samy get the job and all that occupies his mind now is the making of great amount of money and climb up the ladder. Once samy has satisfactory achived this he stopps, stopps to rethink how on earth have I been able to come this far? from being this inocent young child to this beast who is hunting for something that ay come and go, he pounders over his lost innocence and whiches he could have really tasted the stages of his transition from child to adulthood in a calmer and more peaceful manner. Sooner than later he realises that now he himself is bringing up the next samy!!!!
Prioritising should never be seen as something unatural but essential.Sorting out what is important and what really is not is a hard task but needs to be done since it will direct our focus and energy to the things we really should spend more time with such as family, inner reflections, having a particular goal(s), etc and most importantly try to live the stages we go through since by understanding what we go through will make us realise if we are giving the most important matters our most important focus!
do I make sence or am I rabbling again, may be I need more sleep???