Friday 24 April 2009

Any-one out there?


I am just going to write a very very short note. It's just that I sign in to write something in my mind that I wanted to discuss but I was thinking is any-one reading this. To be honest with you I am not to fussed about subscribers etc. and the whole point of me blogging is sharing my thoughts with others, but the question is is there any-one reading this really, would be interesting just for you to let me know...leave a comment.....share your thoughts with me.......even if you dissagree...dont worry I have though skin and I can handle it.........

Oh another research I stumbled on today:Apparently Sweden is no 2 country to grow up in..after netherland....according to the researchers the country has the highest percentage of healthiest children in terms of intellectuallity (if there is a word like this) and eating habits. I found this interessting since I myself usedto live in this country and I do think that they do a very good job in introducing healthy lifestyle to kids from very young age....but un terms of growing up there are alot of be continued


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