Monday 17 August 2009

On a lighter note


so suffering net I found this site where it poses 25 personal questions which is supposedly good for any conversation, interessting I though. So for a change I try to answer the here no matter how embarassed I will be (this is a challenge) it'll be a change from my seriousness. By the way havent read the questions yet so it will be answered as I go, so I quess here we go:

1. Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far.

A: finnishing my degree lol no seriously when I was slightly burnt on a small patch of my foot (its healed pretty good now) years ago.

3. What famous person do other people tell you that you most resemble?

A: dont know seriously? have to ask those around me.....

4. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A: samosas with pourage, promise its strange but delicious, just buy samosa stuffed with minsed meat and eat it with freashly made pourage,mummm

5. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?

A: prophet moses, such a character, want to ask so many questions.....

6. Do you believe honesty is the best policy? A: always no matter how butter it is!

7. What vegetable do you most resemble? A: I think ananas, why because seems unapproachable on the outside but sweet on the inside lol

8. What dead person would you least want to be haunted by?

A: All the corrupted, evil, dishonest people who have caused mass destruction to human souls as well as every living creatures.

9. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

A: do I have choose I person, then a fire fighter who would know how to rescu us or call his biddies to do so, lol no seriously anyone from my family to keep me in company.

10. What do you think Victoria’s secret is?

A: Who?

11. Which cartoon character do people say you resemble the most?

A: I think pokahontas use to be on ages ago....

12. Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?

A: what? whats that for question, seriously? do I have to answer? well....defenetly cannot live without a bath.....weird question, who came up with this?

13. Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?

A: I do love winter, it means so much to me, I know must be

15. You can choose your last meal. What will the menu consist of?

A: dates

16. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

A: The Big Question, such an intellectual show, if only I could have the front seat lol

17. List 5 people you know. Then describe each of them in 1 words.

Friend 1: warm

Friend 2: responsible

Friend 3: funny

Friend 4: loyal

Friend 5: calm

18. You can select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a thruthful reply. Whom would you select, and what question would you ask?

A: I would ask Yasser arafat: What motivated you to keep going all those years?

19. If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?

A: definitely the clown, brings such a smile

20. You discover that your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix-up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?

A: What that for question, who wouldnt???????

21. Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose?

A: I would choose to be the way I am and live according to my prescribed time, everything has its meaning!

22. Would you be willing to commit perjury in court for a close friend? What if your lie would save his life?

A: Very difficult question, I dont know depends on what the situation is, but I know that my friends would not end up in court in the first place.....

23. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?

A: no way,

24.If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

A: making people forget about their traumatic experiences, especially children.

So I have now completed the most weirdest set of questions I will ever come across, how do I feel? Feel like I have wasted some energy and time ,but some of the questions werent all that bad though needs some major re-developments,lol

good night

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