Sunday 20 September 2009

Does what we see affect us?


so I am back and my partly fasting of all forms of technology has ended and I will save that story for some other day since there is a particular subject I would like to mention or scream about as usuall. So I was driving towards a particular destination today and inorder to get to this destination you are literally forced to pass a motor way which is not particulary funn. As always there are billboards along the motor way which I particularly do not notice, this time it caught my eye, but it did so in a manner I which I had not seen it. I cannot imagine the last time a couple of words had provoked me to inner since of disturbance as these words on the billboards. It read with bold capital writings: "Making love longer, for a longer lasting sex" call bla bla bla. There are a couple of issues with these few sentences and my first question is why put it up in a motor way, secondly why make intimacy such a cheap commodity and de-valueing in such a manner, thirdly what exmple is this setting to youngster?

Some people may dismiss this and say I dont get bothered by advertisment anyways. My answer would be; who are you kidding, everyone somehow to some degree gets affected by what they see wheather that is positive or negative. Futhermore the advertisment industry plays a role in portraying a notion to the nation and thus a huge responnsibility lies withing it to who it conveys to what it conveys and the ethics and manner in which it conveys which I belive has been far lost in this pre-modern era. This is not only is seen on billboards other forms of relating information such as newspapers.

Futher to this, this billboard was also seen in Australia but it had to pulled down since complaints were recieved in vast numbers.......

I guess my concern stems from the society we live in, in which we are all the time encouraged to pursue what our "heart" desires without really thinking that the desire/pleasure which we are seeking may result in damage and destruction to oneself and ones surroundings. therefore its so easy to fall and become a victim of this type of destruction which really lies within our-self. Do not get me wrong I am not anti-pleasure (if there is a word like it) I do believe that desires are an essential godly creation but when it has been perverted, taken in excess or deficient by ones surroundings thats where the danger lies and that is where the soul is at its greatest risk. What I really want to say is that lifes is more than us concentrating on seeking out our pleasures and only thinking of our own selfs, which again these billboards, magazines are constantly reminding us of.

said to much, I think so


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