Wednesday 12 November 2008

Travel, people and differences


yepp me again! so today I have strong urge to discuss the little or not so little globe that we all share. So why do we all love to travel to different continents, thats my question tonight, trust me if I really knew the answer I wouldn't have brought the subject up. But seriously isn't it funny that the same people that will let you know how much that they are inate to this country and how much you cannot be part of it as well as so often letting you know how much they want you to go back to your home country, the same people have funnly enough expressed enemousity towards other peoples culture (including food and dress)and practice. And the more funny thing is that the same people have had the choice to travel to the parts of the world that they have such a strong issue with, spent time with its people, eaten the their food and experienced and happly shared their culture, and so I wounder wasnt you the same person who supposedly hated and made funn of this particular culture and practices, or you ust wanted to have a first hand experinece and so you decided to fly all the way there!

To my understanding no one at least no sane human being I have met hates travelling. You probably have heard people or seen that when ever people decide to take a break from work or studies and really want chill out they most oftenly will book themselves a fligth to another location or country. I belive its human innate nature in us to visit other people, see how they live, get an insigth in to their cultures and belives. In the qur'an initself god says that he (and he I don't mean in the male form because god is free from the narrow descriptions and definitions that we have for ourselfs) has created us all into different nations and tribes so that we may know one another. This is how I understand this: imagine if we all were of one race, one colour and we all had the same practices and belife system. Oh my god how boring this globe would have been, just imagine that whenever you came to england you would come across joe (I have nothing against the name joe just as an example) and you happen to travell to china and you came across another identical joe and you travelled to africa and you come across another identical joe. You probably would never leave your door step! and hence would never get to know one another and hence this globe would be a very isolating place where everyone keeps themselves for themselves. But our sence of differences is what gives us the joy to understand and learn more about each other and once we share our experineces with one another thats what brings us together, but what we have within us is sometimes fear for the unkown and an ego. These characteristics unfortunately are animalistic and I confidently say so because is the trait that we share with animals (well at lest some)and some have a strong sence of it more than others particularly those who have not had the chance to travel and there lies the problem, Since having fear of the other who is seen as soo different you have already created a barrier and labelled the person infront of you as soo different from you that you cannot and will not approach and try to understand the potential other and as we all know its far easier to sit back and build hatered and mockery of the other. Its funny when people meet me for the first time because I am not exactly your everyday joe when they approach me and have talked to me would after a while say that they didn't think I would be approachable and I think for my self well thank go I have been able to break one ego just a million to go :)


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