Monday 24 December 2012

Nearly two and a half year ago I wrote a post title 6 months of work and it as basically listing all the relevant lesson learnt from being in the workforce during this period. I must state that I am neither an expert in such field nor have I got extended experiences to solidify my opinions. Nevertheless the other day I was reflecting upon the alteration of positions and work environment since (I am still striving for achievements) and decided to construct a refined list of lessons that I have been able to take away from each experience and that kind of became like a mission statements which could be remembered when faced with life's obstacles of all sorts and you still want to reach a particular destination. This was quite personal but I truly hope that someone somewhere may benefit from this, so here it is:

1)No one Knows YOU more than you do-Don’t let others define you and Don’t lose yourself in others definition of you
2)People who see a quality in you that they don’t have will always try to make it difficult for you, move swiftly away
3)Be confident that you have the ability to produce good work-if not then it needs a little tweaking which you have the ability to complete
4)Don’t ever EVER show signs of GIVING UP-you will allow others to take gladness of such situations and this will not serve you well.
5)If you don’t know something-learn it and move on-Einstein didn’t become Einstein in a day
6)Anyone who tries to belittle you-smile, dust it off and focus on the goal-they don’t know you
7)Be vocal-don’t allow anyone to silence you
8)Remember to try yourself in different arenas-enhance yourself in different activities to reinforce your multiple abilities and talents
9)Always stay CONFIDENT- No one will give this to you except YOURSELF
10)Don’t ever concentrate on pathetic human interactions of he-says she-says, always keep your eyes on the goal-you much wiser than this-be the example you want to see
11)Stay calm and collected and don’t allow other peoples stress to get through to you-be sure that God has already planned everything out for the best
12)Judgements are usually based on what you portray-if you think assurance-appear sure-people will think you self-assured
13) Be bold, brave and courageous-see an opportunity grab it and make use of it.
14)Ensure you able to identify you own gaps-no-one will do this favour for you –refine the gap and move on
15)Success is for seeing an unachieved achievement and achieving it coupled with focus, hard work, determination, overcoming unnecessary obstacles and patience but remember while you are on the path to experience a lot
16)Live simply, think BIG and produce beneficial outcomes
17)Drive to zero and the product would go zero too!
18)Don’t burden yourself more than you can take. Don’t be your worst enemy, but your best friend- try to smell the roses while you are on a mission!
19)Feel Happy about your past and present achievements no-matter how small-you are where you are because God believes in you to achieve
20)Live life positively physically, mentally and spiritually, live it the way it has been prescribed and don’t just exist

Lastly the most importantly is to remember that you and me are alive, breathing and hopefully physically able to plan from today, work for tomorrow and look forward to the future. peace

1 comment:

Seeker said...
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