Wednesday 6 June 2007


why blogging? a question which I have asked myself not once but many times. After having been a vivid blogg-reader and a fan of several I decided to try it for myself. My purpose is to share with people things that I see, come across and have something to say about (and now that I am out of Uni also something to keep me abit busy).

So I quess the first thing one does is introduction right? well I am "ME" a 23 year old mad not too mad but not too sane either female who by personality would desrcibe my self by the cultures I have lived with: can be cold and blunt like the swedes, hot and funny like the egyptian, filled with abig heart and philosphy like the somalis, and always start with please and end with thank you like the englishemen (and women well most of them!). If this doesn't clarify who I am don't worry my ramblings will surely form a picture in your head.......

well lets start then.......

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